Interest on Self-Education Loan

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An education loan is a type of loan specifically designed to help students pay for post-secondary education and the associated fees, such as tuition, books and supplies, and living expenses. The interest on an education loan can be claimed as a deduction under Section 80E of the Income Tax Act, 1961.

Section 80E - Deduction on Interest of Education Loan

Section 80E of the Income Tax Act provides a deduction for the interest paid on education loans. This deduction is available to individuals who have taken a loan for pursuing higher education.

Eligibility Criteria

Extent of Deduction

How to Claim the Deduction

To claim the deduction under Section 80E, the following steps should be followed:

Example Calculation

Consider an individual who has taken an education loan with an annual interest payment of ₹50,000. The calculation of the deduction would be as follows:

Note: The deduction under Section 80E is available only to the individual who has taken the loan for their own higher education or for the education of their spouse, children, or the student for whom the individual is a legal guardian.

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